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An employer’s ‘duty of care’ in the workplace extends to any vehicle being used for business

For the majority of employees the most dangerous thing they do while at work is drive on public roads. We often associate this with employees that spend a considerable amount of their working time driving but the risk is no different for those who drive occasionally on their organisation’s business.

It is estimated that up to 1/3 of all road traffic collisions involve drivers at work. Factor this into the PSNI’s annual road traffic statistics and some big numbers appear.

Thankfully the majority of these incidents are minor in nature, but the majority are also preventable.

Managing the risks to those who drive as part of their job is an employer’s responsibility and health and safety law applies to work activities on the public highway. An employer must take reasonable steps to manage these risks and do everything reasonably practicable to protect people from harm in the same way as they would in the workplace.

This website aims to point Northern Ireland employers to where they can get help, advice and information to enable them to manage work related road safety.


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